Epic Trance Essentials MASSiVE MiDi FLP

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NI Massive 的 Epic Trance Essentials 是这个激动人心的系列的第一部分,包含 […]



NI Massive 的 Epic Trance Essentials 是这个激动人心的系列的第一部分,包含 128 个专业的 Uplifting/Epic Trance 预设,用于一流的 VST 合成器 Massive。为您的下一次 Trance 热门歌曲提供最好的俱乐部就绪工具,此音色集肯定会成为您 Trance 项目的“首选”工具箱,其中包含贝司、FX、主音、打击垫和弹拨。 Trance Euphoria 还包含用于创建演示的 FL Studio 项目文件,因此您可以加载并查看演示是如何完成的。对于没有 FL Studio 的人,他们还提供了包含每个演示和 MIDI 文件和预设的文件夹,以便您可以在您选择的 DAW 中复制它们。受顶级夏季 Trance 音乐节的启发,如 Creamfields、We Are FSTVL、Colors Fest、Together Festival、Global Gathering、South West Four、Tomorrowland、Ultra Music Festival 以及世界各地的更多顶级音乐节,“Max Braiman Epic Trance Essentials”是在这里激发您的下一个 Trance 红极一时。
Epic Trance Essentials For NI Massive’ is the first installment of this exciting series containing 128 professional Uplifting/Epic Trance presets for superb VST synthesizer, Massive. Providing you with the best club-ready tools for your next Trance hit, this soundset will surely be your “go to” tool box for your Trance projects, filled with basses, FX, leads, pads & plucks. Trance Euphoria have also included the FL Studio project files used to create the demos so you can load and see how the demos were done. For people who don’t have FL Studio, they have also provided folders with each of the demos and MIDI files and presets used so you can replicate them in your chosen DAW. Inspired by the top summer Trance festivals like Creamfields, We Are FSTVL, Colours Fest, Together Festival, Global Gathering, South West Four, Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, and many more top festivals around the world, ‘Max Braiman Epic Trance Essentials’ is here to inspire your next Trance smash hit.
