Horizons WAV FST

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我真的很想挑战自己的创作能力,尝试了一些其他世俗的声音设计技巧。诸如在我浴室的扬声器上播放循环并重新录制楼梯底 […]



我真的很想挑战自己的创作能力,尝试了一些其他世俗的声音设计技巧。诸如在我浴室的扬声器上播放循环并重新录制楼梯底部的氛围等技术。将声音拉伸到遗忘并重新采样退化的音频并从这些从未听过的声音中建立和弦进行!每个声音都通过我拥有的一个小型模拟设备以及一些插件来运行。有时声音会通过我父母给我买的旧吉他放大器,因为它有嘈杂的电路,并与干净的声音混合以增加质感。所有文件都被组织到名为“DARK ENERGY”和 VIBEY 的 2 个文件夹中。明智地选择你的冒险……
I really tried to challenge my creative ability and tried some other worldly sound design techniques. Techniques such as playing the loops back on a speaker in my bathroom and re recording the ambience at the bottom of the stairs. Stretching Sound to oblivion and resampling the degraded audio and building chord progressions from these never before heard sounds! Every sounds ran through a small collection analog equipment I own along with a few plugins. Occasionally the sounds were ran through an old guitar amp my parents got me for the noisy circuit its has and blended back with the clean sound for added texture. All files have been orgaznied into 2 folders called “DARK ENERGY”, and VIBEY. Choose your adventure wisely…
