Techno FM8 Presets

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我们工作室的书呆子们继续探索神秘的 Native Instruments 合成器,但本月他们将注意力转移到了 […]



我们工作室的书呆子们继续探索神秘的 Native Instruments 合成器,但本月他们将注意力转移到了 FM8 的美妙世界,它被用来产生黑暗和肮脏的低音、神秘的无人机、粗糙和原始的键以及沉重的鼓,这将增加众多雷鸣般的频率到您的作品中。包中包含 63 个心智弯曲预设、63 个可操作的音频循环和 39 个 MIDI 文件,以帮助激发您的下一个猛烈钩子。预设有 20 个低音频率、12 个鼓、10 个序列循环和 20 个合成器声音。
Our studio nerds have continued to explore the mysterious Native Instruments synths but this month they have moved their attention to the wonderful world of FM8 which was used to produce dark and dirty bass tones, enigmatic drones, rough and raw keys and heavy drums that will add multitude of thunderous frequencies to your productions. Included in the pack are a selection of 63 mind bending presets, 63 audio loops to manipulate and 39 midi files to help inspire your next slamming hook. With the presets there are 20 bass frequencies, 12 drums, 10 sequence loops and 20 synth sounds.
