Analogue Hits For U-HE DiVA-DiSCOVER

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Analogue Hits 的创建目标是成为“盒子里”可用的权威“模拟合成音乐”风格的声音包。来自热门曲目的 […]



Analogue Hits 的创建目标是成为“盒子里”可用的权威“模拟合成音乐”风格的声音包。来自热门曲目的 87 种声音经过精心挑选和建模,但还有 40 种新声音可以为您的作品制作总共 127 种真实且鼓舞人心的声音。 为了让您了解 40 种附加声音中的一些,请查看专为 Analogue Hits 编写的曲目“Strange Things”和“City vibes”,并查看下面的预设列表以查看包含的声音范围……
Analogue Hits has been created with the goal of being the definitive ‘analogue synth music’ style sound pack available ‘in the box’. 87 sounds from hit tracks were selected and carefully modelled, but there are also 40 new sounds to make a grand total of 127 authentic and inspiring sounds for your productions.  To give you a flavour of some of the 40 additional sounds check out the tracks ‘Strange Things’, and ‘City vibes’ written exclusively for Analogue Hits, and check the preset list below to see the range of sounds included…
