Chomolungma for DiVA H2P NKSF

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<b>Chololungma</b> — 可能致命的模棱两可的山峰或最高精神实验的源头 […]



<b>Chololungma</b> — 可能致命的模棱两可的山峰或最高精神实验的源头,爬上它的顶部但随时会掉下来,呼吸世界上最干净的空气或在山顶体验致命的窒息. U-he Diva soundset <b>Diva Chomolungma</b> 通过帮助您创建自己的声音世界,将您提升到美学的顶峰。 <em>Diva Chomolungma 旨在通过激励您现场演奏这些富有表现力的 Diva 补丁,为您提供即时满足感,忘记您正坐在 DAW 前。可玩性、流畅的操作和对细节的关注都是制作 Chomolungma 预设时的重要因素。</em>
Chomolungma — the ambiguous mountain that can be lethal or the source of the highest spiritual experiment, climb up its top but fall down any second, breathe the cleanest air in the world or experience the deadly anhelation at the peak. The U-he Diva soundset Diva Chomolungma elevates you to this pinnacle of aesthetics, by helping you to create your own sonic universe. Diva Chomolungma is aimed to provide you instant gratification by inspiring you to play live these expressive Diva patches, forgetting you are sitting in front of a DAW. Playability, smooth operation and attention to details were all important factors when making Chomolungma presets.
