Deep Space Zebra 2 Soundset-TZ Group

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《深空》的灵感来自于充满外星星系、黑洞、快速旋转的类星体、星云以及大爆炸前后的时空的浩瀚深空。这个声音集是由大 […]



《深空》的灵感来自于充满外星星系、黑洞、快速旋转的类星体、星云以及大爆炸前后的时空的浩瀚深空。这个声音集是由大气形成的,让人联想到极其广阔的空间和遥远的事件视界,伴随着行星的外星声音,这些行星具有密集、温暖和酸性的大气。 Deep Space 非常适合用于环境音乐、具有黑暗和戏剧性成分的视频游戏,或用于悬疑的伟大作品。 Deep Space 的所有 128 个补丁都是使用 Zebra 的频谱振荡器、梳状振荡器和具有自定义波形的波形振荡器精心设计的。
Deep Space is inspired in the vast and wide deep space full of alien galaxies, black holes, fast rotating quasars, nebulaes and the time and space before the big bang and after the big bang. This soundset is formed by atmospheres that reminds extremely big spaces and far away event horizons accompanied with alien voices of planets with dense, warm and acid atmospheres. Deep Space is perfect for ambient music, video games with a dark and dramatic component, or for great suspenseful compositions. All the 128 patches of Deep Space are carefully designed using Zebra’s spectral oscillators, comb oscillators and waveform oscillators with custom waveforms.
