Diva Cassini for U-he DiVA

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Diva Cassini 是 150 个补丁的集合,适用于 u-he's Diva。这个声音集旨在为您 […]



Diva Cassini 是 150 个补丁的集合,适用于 u-he's Diva。这个声音集旨在为您带来最好的现代模拟仿真。它具有您对模拟声音所期望的一切:丰富、重量、光泽和砂砾。一切都以现代、电影、科幻的边缘完成。卡西尼号的灵感来自于壮观的电影配乐,例如《银翼杀手 2049》、《攻壳机动队》、《机械姬》、《回忆》、《创:遗产》和《超越黑彩虹》;提供强烈的未来主义挂毯,非常适合创造迷人而美丽的反乌托邦音景。观看被殴打的宇宙飞船在废弃的高速公路上旋转和坠落;被人造生命闪烁和脉动的彩色屏幕包围;让那些你从未真正见过的人的回忆,让你的眼里涌出泪水;触摸你面前的人的脸,想知道他们是否真的是人;做这一切,因为模拟电路和晶体管的复古温暖在你周围脉动和洗涤。
Diva Cassini is a collection of 150 patches for u-he’s Diva. This soundset aims to bring you the best of modern analogue emulation. It has everything you’d expect from analogue sounds: richness, weight, lustre and grit. All done with a contemporary, cinematic, sci-fi edge. Cassini is inspired by spectacular film scores such as Blade Runner 2049, Ghost in the Shell, Ex Machina, Rememory, Tron: Legacy and Beyond the Black Rainbow; providing an intense, futuristic tapestry, ideal for creating mesmerising and beautiful dystopian soundscapes. Watch beaten up spaceships rotate and plunge along abandoned highways; be surrounded by technicolour screens that flicker and pulse with artificial life; let memories of people you never really met cause the tears to well up in your eyes; touch the face of the person in front of you and wonder if they’re actually human; and do it all, as the retro warmth of analogue circuits and transistors pulse and wash around you.
