Empty Fields F.1 for Zebra 2-DECiBEL

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Empty Fields – Zebra 2 的 F.1(F 代表 Field)是一系列音效中的第一个,灵感来 […]



Empty Fields – Zebra 2 的 F.1(F 代表 Field)是一系列音效中的第一个,灵感来自美丽的空旷景观和我们周围的大自然。这次没有电影声音或沉重的预告片声音。现在是时候使用柔和且不断变化的环境垫声音、冰冷的弹拨和琶音、亲密的主音和古怪的 fx 补丁、神秘的音景和一些有趣的序列补丁。声音集总共包含 125 个补丁,分为 ARP、贝司、FX、KY(Keys、Mallets 和 Plucked)、打击乐、打击垫、音景和音序补丁 所有补丁都有 4 个 XY 打击垫分配给控件,调制轮控件主要过滤器。一些 Patch 还将音调轮分配给控件。
Empty Fields – F.1 (F stands for Field) for Zebra 2 is the first in a series of soundsets inspired by the beautiful empty landscapes and the nature surrounding us. This time no cinematic sounds or heavy trailer orientated sounds. Now its time for soft and evolving ambient pad sounds, icy plucks and arps, intimate leads and quircky fx patches, mysterious soundscapes and some fun sequence patches. The total of the soundset contains 125 patches divided into ARP’s, Basses, FX, KY (Keys, Mallets and Plucked), Percussion, Pads, Soundscapes and Sequence patches All the patches have the 4 XY pads assigned to controls and the modwheel controls mostly the filters. Some patches have also the Pitchwheel assigned to a control.
