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Future Sound of Retro 80s Pop for U-He Repro

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复古 80 年代流行音乐的未来之声是 u-he Repro 合成器的新声音集,并将重点放在电子流行音乐的黄金时 […]



复古 80 年代流行音乐的未来之声是 u-he Repro 合成器的新声音集,并将重点放在电子流行音乐的黄金时代:1980 年代。该音色集包含了制作 80 年代模拟风格流行音乐所需的一切:柔和的贝司、流行的主音、华丽的垫子,当然还有鼓舞人心的音序和琶音。声音集是通过首先复制定义流派的经典声音而创建的。下一步是重新设计它们,而不会偏离该类型太远。设计过程的最后一步是采用一些标志性的 80 年代声音,并将它们带入 Synth Wave 和 EDM 的现代世界。 soundset 中的所有声音都已正确标记,使查找声音变得容易。
Future Sound of Retro 80s Pop is a new soundset for the u-he Repro synthesizers and sets the focus on the golden age of electronic pop: the 1980s. The soundset is a complete collection of everything you need for producing 80s analog style pop: mellow basses, popish leads, lush pads and of course inspirational sequences and arpeggios. The soundset was created by first replicating classic sounds that defined the genre. Next step was to redesign them without straying too far away from the genre. The final step in the design process was to take a handful of iconic 80s sounds and bring them into the modern world of Synth Wave and EDM. All sounds in the soundset are properly tagged making finding sounds easy.
