Future Tech Bazille Soundset-TZ Group

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Future Tech 是一款受科技启发的全新尖端音效。 Future Tech 的主要目的是为您带来全新的原 […]



Future Tech 是一款受科技启发的全新尖端音效。 Future Tech 的主要目的是为您带来全新的原创技术和电子声音库。 Future Tech 包括凉爽和柔和的合成器以及温暖和清脆的合成器。由模拟胖贝斯和贝斯线、科技和城市灵感的音景和背景、未来派和强大的动态序列和可以减慢到梦幻旋律的快速琶音、损坏的合成器、技术故障和电路弯曲玩具、复杂而错综复杂的节奏和打击乐组成模式。
Future Tech is a new cutting edge soundset inspired in science and technology. The main purpose of Future Tech is to bring you a new and original arsenal of technological and electronica sounds. Future Tech consists on cool and soft synths as well as warm and crisp. Comprised with analogue fat basses and basslines, technological and city inspired soundscapes and backgrounds, futuristic and powerful dynamic sequences and quick arpeggios that can be slowed down to a dreamy melody, broken synthesizers, technological malfunctions and circuit bent toys, complex and intricate rhythms and percussive patterns.
