Greatest Hits For DiVA-DiSCOVER

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“Greatest Hits”为 DIVA 合成器提供 128 种声音。该声音集旨在从 Disco、House […]



“Greatest Hits”为 DIVA 合成器提供 128 种声音。该声音集旨在从 Disco、House、Funk、Synthwave、Trance、Hip-Hop 和 Drum n Bass 流派中重现经典声音。它包含范围广泛的声音,包括锥形低音贝司、经典的弹拨声音、宽泛的同音 trance 垫、肮脏的时髦贝司、尖叫的同音主音、失谐的复古合成器声音、电贝司、80 年代的黄铜刺、超级锯声音等等.
‘Greatest Hits’ features 128 sounds for DIVA synthesizer. This soundset is aimed at recreating classic sounds from the Disco, House, Funk, Synthwave, Trance, Hip-Hop and Drum n Bass genres. It contains a broad range of sounds including cone shaking sub basses, classic pluck sounds, wide unison trance pads, dirty funky basses, screaming unison leads, detuned retro synth sounds, electric basses, 80s brass stabs, super saw sounds, and many many more.
