Penumbra Zebra Soundset-TZ Group

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Penumbra 是一种新的黑暗电影音效,灵感来自戏剧和悬疑。 Penumbra 的目的是为您的声音库带来最先 […]



Penumbra 是一种新的黑暗电影音效,灵感来自戏剧和悬疑。 Penumbra 的目的是为您的声音库带来最先进的声音设置。由令人不安的气氛、间隔而长的主音、不和谐的键和木槌、工业音效和背景、神秘而紧张的琶音、险恶的序列、令人毛骨悚然的玩具音乐盒和复杂的金属节奏组成。 Penumbra 还利用自定义波表为补丁添加独特的声音,并超越了工厂波表。此外,它在大量补丁中具有磁带模拟延迟,为丰富的模拟声音做好准备!
Penumbra is a new dark cinematic soundset inspired in drama and suspense. The purpose of Penumbra is to bring you a state of the art soundset for your sonic arsenal. Comprised with unsettling atmospheres, spaced and long leads, dissonant keys and mallets, industrial sound effects and backgrounds, mysterious and tense arpeggios, sinister sequences, creepy toy music boxes and complex metallic rhythms. Penumbra also makes use of custom wavetables to add a unique sound to the patches and go beyond the factory wavetables. Plus it has tape emulated delays in a good number of patches, be prepared for a rich analog sound!
