Synthwave Night Vision for U-HE HiVE

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Synthwave Night Vision 是 60 个补丁的集合,用于以 Synthwave 风格创建的 […]



Synthwave Night Vision 是 60 个补丁的集合,用于以 Synthwave 风格创建的 U-he Hive VSTi。这些经典的声音主要专注于模拟类型的声音,其设计带有一点现代感。 Synthwave Night Vision 充满了可立即播放的声音。没有 FX 或 arps,只有您需要的声音,让您的音乐脱颖而出,并通过调制轮变形变得生动。
Synthwave Night Vision’ is a collection of 60 patches for the U-he Hive VSTi created in the Synthwave style. Focusing mostly on analogue type sounds, these classic sounds were designed with a bit of a modern touch. Synthwave Night Vision’ is packed full of immediately playable sounds. No FX or arps, just the sounds you need to make your music stand out and come alive with the modwheel morphing.
