Twilight 2 Ascension of Dark for DiVA H2P

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Twilight 2 – Ascension of Dark 是我们有史以来最畅销的 Diva 音效集之一:T […]



Twilight 2 – Ascension of Dark 是我们有史以来最畅销的 Diva 音效集之一:Twilight 的后续作品。虽然原版的每只脚都坚定地站在电影音乐的二元性中:一个是美丽的,一个是黑暗的,但暮光之城 2 直接潜入了黑暗、绝望和恐怖的中心。该声音集包含 150 种新声音,包括古怪的琶音、喜怒无常的垫子和破碎的主音,但大部分声音是环境纹理和黑暗的音景。对于这个声音集,我们必须比以往任何时候都更进一步地推动 Diva,结果是你通常不会将 Diva 与之关联的声音集合。没有模拟的醇厚或光滑的美感。只是黑暗。
Twilight 2 – Ascension of Dark is the follow-up to one of our best-selling soundsets for Diva ever: Twilight. While the original stood firmly with each foot in the dualistic nature of cinematic music: one in beauty and one in darkness, Twilight 2 dives straight into the heart of darkness, despair and horror. The soundset contains 150 new sounds ranging from quirky arpeggios, moody pads and broken leads, but the majority of the sounds are ambient textures and dark soundscapes. For this soundset we had to push Diva further than ever before and the result is a collection of sounds that you wouldn’t normally associate Diva with. No analog mellowness or smooth beauty. Just darkness.
