U.S.U For U-he Bazille H2P

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Kyhon 发布了一个幻觉库,其中包含 172 个前卫的实验预设。那些从他的 Zebra2 免费图书馆认识他的 […]



Kyhon 发布了一个幻觉库,其中包含 172 个前卫的实验预设。那些从他的 Zebra2 免费图书馆认识他的人会理解他的灵感。请使用并尝试所有的 midi 控制源:触后、调制轮和音高轮。如果您使用 Midi Control Sources,您会发现其他全新的声音。关于触后:很多声音都需要长按! Kyhon 非常努力地创建了这个未来派的图书馆,并希望每个人都充满乐趣和无穷无尽的创造力。许多(或大多数)声音从音符 C3 开始。 (注意:您可以在此处访问他的网站,但如果您患有癫痫症,请注意有很多明亮的闪烁颜色。)
Kyhon has published a hallucinatory library with 172 Avant-garde, experimental presets. Those who know him from his Zebra2 free library will understand the inspiration. Please use and try all midi Control Sources: aftertouch, modwheel and pitchwheel. If you use the Midi Control Sources you will find other completely new sounds. Regarding aftertouch: many of the sound require a long press! Kyhon worked very hard to create this futuristic library and wishes everyone a lot of fun and endless creativity. Many (or most of them) of the sounds start from note C3. (Note: You can go to his website here but be warned if you have Epilepsy there are a lot of bright flashing colors.)
