Valkyrie for U-He Zebra 2

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Valkyrie 包含专门用于环境声音的部分以及完全失真的部分。这种声音设计的冒险充分利用了 Zebra 2. […]



Valkyrie 包含专门用于环境声音的部分以及完全失真的部分。这种声音设计的冒险充分利用了 Zebra 2.3 的功能,创建了一个从舞蹈到新时代补丁的声音库。广泛的标准和奢侈贴片具有不同合成方法的实验组合,从 FM、减法、波表、物理建模、模拟建模到各种混合组合。补丁是完全可调整的,性能准备就绪,所有 4 XY 映射到每个预设!
Valkyrie contains sections dedicated to ambient sounds as well as full on distortion. This adventure in sound design takes full advantage Zebra 2.3’s features to create a sound arsenal that range from dance to new age patches. The wide range of standard and extravagant patches feature experimental combinations of different synthesis methods ranging from FM, Subtractive, Wavetable, Physical Modelling, Analog Modelling, to various hybrid combinations. Patches are fully tweakable and performance ready with all 4 XY’s mapped on every preset!
