U-he Diva 的温暖和现代预设。 'Warm Future' 是一个声音包,它将 Diva 的温暖音色超越经典仿真并带入未来,包含 145 种鼓舞人心的声音,专注于现代电子音乐风格……DIVA 代表“Dinosaur Impersonating Virtual Analogue”,而原始合成器恐龙是模拟的,Diva 是数字恐龙,因此具有许多经过彻底探索的附加功能。结果是介于现代和经典风格之间的混合声音——仍然是肥厚和温暖的——但与现代音乐更相关。特别注意为声音添加运动,这通常由调制轮控制,它增加了尖端的风格和调制……研究流行的电子音乐以创建一个专注于键、贝司和主音的包,这些包构成了核心许多现代“未来”风格。还有 Arps、Pads 和 FX 可以制作完整的、相关的声音包,以激发新鲜的作品。通过“温暖的未来”,您将看到恐龙可以统治未来和过去……
Warm and Modern Presets for U-he Diva. ‘Warm Future’ is a sound pack which takes the warm tone of Diva beyond classic emulation and into the future, for a huge pack of 145 inspiring sounds focussed on modern electronic music styles…DIVA stands for ‘Dinosaur Impersonating Virtual Analogue’ and whilst the original synthesizer dinosaurs were analogue, Diva is a digital dinosaur so has a host of additional features which are thoroughly explored. The result is a hybrid soundset somewhere in between modern and classic styles – still fat and warm – but more relevant for modern music. Particular attention is given to adding movement to the sounds, which is most often controlled by the mod wheel which adds cutting edge style and modulation… Popular electronic music was studied to create a pack focussing on keys, bass and leads which make up the core of many modern ‘Future’ styles. There are also Arps, Pads and FX to make a fully rounded, relevant pack of sounds ready to inspire fresh productions. With ‘Warm Future’ you will see that dinosaurs can rule the future as well as the past…