White DZ 是 Zebra 2 音色集,包含 128 个音色和一个 Dark Zebra 版本,其中原始的 128 个音色得到了增强,并提供了更模拟和更丰富的感觉,可以完全与 ZebraHZ 版本一起使用。声音具有郁郁葱葱的环境和轻盈的神秘特征。这个声音集的灵感也来自萨尔瓦多·达利、文森特·梵高的作品以及莫里斯·拉威尔、克劳德·德彪西和拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉姆斯的古典而丰富的音乐,我试图用这个声音集捕捉这些大师们创造的丰富不断变化的声音世界并将它们翻译成电子调色板。
White DZ is a Zebra 2 soundset that contains 128 patches and a Dark Zebra version where the original 128 patches have been enhanced and given a more analog and richer feeling to be fully used with the ZebraHZ version. The sounds have a lush, ambient and light mysterious character. This soundset found its inspiration also in the works of Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh and the classical and hugely rich music of Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy and Ralph Vaughan Williams and with this soundset I try to capture the rich evolving sound worlds these masters have created and translate them into an electronic palette.