Zebra “Aquatica” 是 u-he 的 Zebra 2 的 180 个电影补丁的集合。Zebra “Aquatica” 专注于各种不同类别的柔和水生声音。想想 Vangelis、William Basinski、Stars of the Lid、Brian Eno 和 Jon Hopkins 的“海洋”。这套声音集提供了广泛的选择,并且用途广泛,在现代混合和环境/下划线/实验评分中同样适用。 Zebra “Aquatica” 提供鼓舞人心的流畅琶音和冒泡的旋律序列、柔和圆润的贝司和贝司线、多彩的合成器、流畅的电影脉冲、音效、丰富的大气垫和纹理以及空灵的音景。许多补丁提供了编程到调制轮和 X/Y 打击垫中的附加适应性,以使这些声音变得生动。
Zebra “Aquatica” is a collection of 180 cinematic patches for u-he’s Zebra 2. Zebra “Aquatica” focuses on soft aquatic sounds in a variety of different categories. Think “Oceanic” by Vangelis, William Basinski, Stars of the Lid, Brian Eno and Jon Hopkins. This sound set offers a wide amount of choices and is surprisingly versatile, equally at home in both modern hybrid and ambient/underscore/experimental scoring. Zebra “Aquatica” delivers inspiring fluid arpeggios and bubbling melodic sequences, soft and mellow basses and bass lines, colorful synths, fluid cinematic pulses, sound effects, lush atmospheric pads and textures and ethereal soundscapes. Many patches offer added adaptability programmed into the modwheel and the X/Y pads, to make these sounds come alive.