Zebra Arkhangel for Zebra2 and ZebraHZ

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Zebra2 和 ZebraHZ 的 360 色块。进入一个不平衡的世界,专注于出乎意料和不可预测的声音。一个 […]



Zebra2 和 ZebraHZ 的 360 色块。进入一个不平衡的世界,专注于出乎意料和不可预测的声音。一个充满模拟抽象、数字乐趣和有机奇异的神秘游乐场。 Arkhangel 的灵感来自 Cristobal Tapia de Veer 的配乐,例如 Humans、Utopia 和 National Treasure,Trent Reznor 和 Atticus Ross 在 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 和 The Social Network 中的作品; Dave Porter 的绝命毒师配乐;以及其他前卫艺术家,如 Alex Somers、Scntfc 和 Boards of Canada。哔哔声和杂音、错误的音调、令人困惑的乐器、模拟漂移、硬壳循环、缺乏感觉的序列和因不安而产生的纹理; Zebra Arkhangel 一眨眼就从深不可测的黑暗变成了顽皮的白痴。一切都带着一丝难以捉摸的陌生感。这个黑暗版采用原始的 180 个补丁并赋予它们更暗、更模拟、更怪异的旋转 – 黑暗版下载还包括原始的 180 个 Zebra2 补丁。
360 patches for Zebra2 and ZebraHZ. Enter an off-kilter world dedicated to sounds that are unexpected and unpredictable. An enigmatic playground full of analogue abstraction, digital delight and organic oddness. Arkhangel is inspired by the soundtracks of Cristobal Tapia de Veer, such as Humans, Utopia and National Treasure, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross‘ work on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and The Social Network; the Breaking Bad soundtrack by Dave Porter; as well other avant garde artists like Alex Somers, Scntfc and Boards of Canada. Bleeps and bloops, glitchy pitch, perplexing instruments, analogue drift, crusty loops, sequences devoid of sense and textures born from unease; Zebra Arkhangel moves from unfathomable darkness to playful idiocy in the blink of an eye. All done with a glimmer of inscrutable strangeness. This Dark Edition takes the original 180 patches and gives them a darker, more analogue, more weird spin – the Dark Edition download also includes the original 180 Zebra2 patches.
