Zebra Kuroshio 是 120 个全新电影补丁的集合,适用于 u-he 广受好评的 Zebra2 合成器。从 Tyler Bates (John Wick)、Kaae & Batz (Bordertown)、Hans Zimmer (Dunkirk)、John Powell (Jason Bourne) 和 Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross (Watchmen) 等作曲家的作品中汲取灵感,Zebra Kuroshio 的补丁范围从高-scandi noir 戏剧的辛烷动作到内心的心理恐怖。 Zebra Kuroshio 中的许多 Patch 使用多个 Zebra 通道,因此如果 Patch 对于您的目的来说太忙,或者您只想在特定通道中使用声音,您可以将不需要的通道静音。 Zebra Kuroshio 还广泛使用调制轮。在许多情况下,它可能会将补丁完全改变为完全不同的东西,因此我们鼓励您玩得开心。 Zebra Kuroshio 包括其所有补丁程序的 NKSF 版本,并带有适用于 NKS 设备的适当标签。不过,他们没有音频预览。
Zebra Kuroshio is a collection of 120 brand new cinematic patches for u-he’s acclaimed Zebra2 synthesizer. Drawing inspiration from the work of composers like Tyler Bates (John Wick), Kaae & Batz (Bordertown), Hans Zimmer (Dunkirk), John Powell (Jason Bourne) and Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross (Watchmen), Zebra Kuroshio’s patches range from high-octane action to scandi noir drama to visceral psychological horror. Many patches in Zebra Kuroshio use multiple Zebra lanes, so you can mute the lanes you don’t need if a patch is too busy for your purposes, or if you just want to use the sound in a particular lane. Zebra Kuroshio also makes extensive use of the modulation wheel. In many cases, it may completely change the patch into something totally different, so we encourage you to have fun with it. Zebra Kuroshio includes NKSF versions of all its patches, with the proper tags for NKS devices. They do not have audio previews, though.