Zebra “Synchron” 是 180 个现代电影补丁的集合,适用于 u-he 的 Zebra 2 合成器(<b>版本 2.9.1</b>)。 Zebra “Synchron” 提供了许多动画流畅的琶音、深色贝司和贝司线、丰富的环境宽屏垫、鼓舞人心的键、不寻常的效果、充满活力的脉冲、具有大量表达和黑暗不祥音景的现代模拟/fm 合成器。
Zebra “Synchron” is a collection of 180 modern cinematic patches for u-he’s Zebra 2 synth (Version 2.9.1). Zebra “Synchron” delivers lots of animated fluid arpeggios, dark basses and bass lines, lush ambient widecreen pads, inspiring keys, unusual fx, energetic pulses, modern analog/fm synths with lot’s of expression and dark ominous soundscapes.