Zebra Ultramarine for U-he ZEBRA

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Zebra Ultramarine 是 u-he Zebra 2.8 的第一个声音集,包含 120 个电影补丁 […]



Zebra Ultramarine 是 u-he Zebra 2.8 的第一个声音集,包含 120 个电影补丁。 Zebra Ultramarine 探索了令人惊叹的 Zebra 2 的独特纹理功能,并利用其全面而直观的节奏引擎和强大的振荡器,产生了一个多功能、即时鼓舞人心的乐谱集合。有些纹理非常有机,很难相信没有任何样本。虽然 Zebra Ultramarine 主要为评分应用程序(电影、电视、游戏、预告片)而设计,但它也适用于环境、新古典或新时代等其他类型。音色经过精心编程,具有详细的调制功能,为每个预设提供更多细节。
Zebra Ultramarine is the first soundset for u-he Zebra 2.8, containing 120 cinematic patches. Zebra Ultramarine explores the unique textural capabilities of amazing Zebra 2 and also takes advantage of its comprehensive and intuitive rhythmic engine and powerful oscillators, resulting in a versatile, instantly inspiring scoring collection. Some of the textures are so organic it’s hard to believe that there aren’t any samples involved. While Zebra Ultramarine is primarily designed for scoring applications (Film, TV, Games, Trailers), it will also work great in other genres such as ambient, neoclassical or new age. Patches are carefully programmed with detailed modulation capabilities, offering much more detail per every preset.
