Zebramatic II 包含 100 个补丁,包括更暗的打击垫和音景、琶音器、打击乐器、吉他等等!这些预设是在考虑更暗的构图和电影的情况下创建的!从疯狂的音景到天使般的垫子,我们非常确定您会在 Zebramatic II 中找到新的有趣的声音!请记住,我们的大多数预设都使用 ModWheel、After Touch、Expression Pedal 和 Pitch Bend 来为声音增添趣味!
Zebramatic II contains 100 patches including darker pads and soundscapes, arppegiators, percussion, guitars and more! These presets were created having in mind darker compositions and films! From deranged soundscapes to angelic pads we are pretty sure that you will find new and interesting sounds in Zebramatic II! Bare in mind that most of our presets make use of ModWheel, After Touch, Expression Pedal and Pitch Bend to spice up the sound!