Ambient Film Score Logic Pro X Template

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通过观看我们的免费现场教程了解如何制作环境电影配乐,并学习课程中的 Logic Pro X 模板以练习您所学的 […]



通过观看我们的免费现场教程了解如何制作环境电影配乐,并学习课程中的 Logic Pro X 模板以练习您所学的内容。现场电子音乐教程让每个人都有机会随时随地按照自己的节奏学习音乐制作。现在解开电子音乐的秘密。我们进入您的现场电子音乐教程的第 199 集,希望制作一首适合电影配乐或背景音乐的环境歌曲。为此,我们将使用 Logic Pro X 及其内部插件和乐器。该流派需要深厚的氛围和情感时刻,Logic 的 Alchemy 合成器是制作和创作此类音乐的理想工具。
Learn how to make ambient film score music by watching our free live tutorial and study the Logic Pro X Template from the session to practice what you have learned. The Live Electronic Music Tutorials give everyone the opportunity to learn music production at their own pace anytime anywhere. Unlock the secrets of electronic music now. We drift into episode #199 of your Live Electronic Music Tutorial looking to make an Ambient song that will work well for film scoring purposes or background music. To do so we will use Logic Pro X and its internal plugins and instruments. The genre is calling for deep ambiences and emotional moments, Logic’s Alchemy synthesizer is the ideal tool to produce and compose this type of music.
