Logic Articulation Sets v3.2

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<strong>Logic 10.4 的发音集的终极集合。</strong> 发音集的 […]



<strong>Logic 10.4 的发音集的终极集合。</strong> 发音集的黄金标准。作曲家的梦想。想象一下,你所有的管弦乐队样本库都会感觉像是一个。想象一下,所有东西的结构和布局都完全相同。因此,您可以专注于您的音乐,而不会因技术细节而分心。用于 Apple Logic Pro 10.4 的 Art Conductor 是可用的最完整的发音集集合。为各大图书馆制作了数百套。
The ultimate collection of articulation sets for Logic 10.4. The gold standard in articulation sets. A composer’s dream. Imagine, all you orchestra sample libraries would feel like one. Imagine that everything is structured and laid out in exactly the same way. So you can focus on your music instead of feeling distracted by technicalities. Art Conductor for Apple’s Logic Pro 10.4 is the most complete collection of Articulation Sets available. Made of hundreds of sets for major libraries.
