来自 DJ Mikas 的另一个病态的 Trance 模板……这个模板有一种 Paul Van Dyk 与 Paul Oakenfold 相遇的声音,人们喜欢它。你会喜欢在你的合成器中剖析这个项目文件,看看重新创建这种风格需要什么。多么伟大的基石,可以用来制作你的下一首单曲。想象一下正确的人声样本会对这首曲目做些什么……试试吧!
Another sick Trance template from DJ Mikas…this one has a kind of Paul Van Dyk meets Paul Oakenfold sound to it that people love. You’re going to love dissecting this project file in your synthesizer and seeing what it takes to recreate this style. What a great building block from which to make your next single. Imagine what the right vocal sample would do to this track…try it out!