这个庞大的流行、城市和舞蹈声乐作品集展示了蕾哈娜、Will I Am、Nicki Minaj、Bruno Mars、Lmfao、Pitbull、Pink、Justin Timberlake、Flo Rida、Jennifer Lopez、Lady Gaga、Eminem、Kesha、 Carly Rae Jepsen、剧本等等! Shout 是由四位不同的歌手(3 名女性和 1 名男性)录制的,所有的人声都以干人声文件的形式录制和交付(无延迟、混响或 fx)。这为您提供了完全的创作自由来使用人声干燥或添加特定轨道或项目所需的效果。这使您可以根据自己的喜好调整人声,以适应所有流行、都市和舞曲音乐风格;让您可以自由地快速轻松地创建令人惊叹的曲目。 Shout 让您可以选择背景、单一镜头和 SFX 声乐部分。
This massive collection of Pop, Urban and Dance Vocals is a showcase of artists like Rihanna, Will I Am, Nicki Minaj, Bruno Mars, Lmfao, Pitbull, Pink, Justin Timberlake, Flo Rida, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Eminem, Kesha, Carly Rae Jepsen, The Script and so many more! Shout was recorded using four different vocalists (3 Female and 1 Male) with all vocals recorded and delivered as dry vocal files (no delay, reverb or fx). This provides you with total creative freedom to use the vocals dry or add the effects necessary for the particular track or project your working on. This allows you to tweak the vocals to your liking for all Pop, Urban and Dance music styles; giving you the freedom to create amazing tracks quickly and easily. Shout gives you the choice of Background, One-Shots and SFX Vocal parts.