老学校+新学校=真正的学校。这个 MASCHINE 扩展包分享了创意节拍制作人的精神,他们利用他们对嘻哈制作的深厚知识来打破规则。忘掉尘土飞扬的陈词滥调,以全新的未来美学为目标 TRUE SCHOOL 中的套件、合成器和 Pattern 结合了灵感采样、高科技声音设计和创造性的鼓编程,为未来的节拍制作奠定了新的基础。
Old school + new school = TRUE SCHOOL. This MASCHINE Expansion shares the spirit of creative beatmakers who use their deep knowledge of hip-hop production to break the rules. Forget dusty clichés, and aim high with a new future aesthetic The kits, synths and patterns in TRUE SCHOOL combine inspired sampling, hi-tech sound design and creative drum programming to lay new foundations for the future of beatmaking.