Future Bass and Trap Presets SYLENTH1 MASSiVE SPiRE

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“Future Bass & Trap Presets”发布。&nbsp; <b> […]



“Future Bass & Trap Presets”发布。&nbsp; <b>最好和最复杂的预设</b>的大量组合,您将需要轻松地将任何制作颠倒过来!&nbsp;这个凶猛的包包含了从<b>摇摆不定的宽和弦到尖锐而充满活力的主音、完美扭曲的 808 底鼓预设、深沉的低音声音</b>等所有内容。&nbsp;您将拥有创建令人兴奋的<b>地面震动轨道所需的所有材料。&nbsp; </b>即使你缺乏一些灵感。&nbsp;包括 <b>196 种超流行的 Massive 声音以及 Sylenth1 和 Spire</b> 插件。&nbsp;每一种声音都是<b>专业设计的</b>,保证您制作的下一首曲目将是美妙的。
“Future Bass & Trap Presets” release.  A massive mixture of the the best and most complex presets, that you will ever need to easily flip any production upside down!  This ferocious pack contains everything from the wobbly and wide chords to sharp and energetic leads, perfectly distorted 808 kick presets, deep bass Sounds and more.  You will have every material you need to create exciting and ground shaking tracks.  Even if you lack some inspirations.  Included are 196 sounds for super popular Massive and also Sylenth1 and Spire plugins.  Every sound is professionally designed which guarantees the next track you make will be a fantastic.
