Hurricane for MASSiVE NMSV

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我们带着另一个必备的预设包回来了。最近,像 MUST DIE!、Excision 和 HeRobust 这样的 […]



我们带着另一个必备的预设包回来了。最近,像 MUST DIE!、Excision 和 HeRobust 这样的艺术家在 Dubstep 场景中大放异彩!我们完全被他们为这种久经考验的真实类型所赋予的优势所鼓舞。因此,我们让我们的制作团队制作了一些我们听过的最肮脏的预设,并将它们组合在一起,制作出令人兴奋的新版本。借助 Hurricane,您将能够通过我们创造的最鼓舞人心的琶音、平均序列、粗低音和面对面的线索,为 Dubstep 流派注入新的活力。 Hurricane 是这个包的合适名称,因为其中一些声音可能会摧毁你工作室的墙壁,让你在寒冷中离开……
We’re back with another must-have preset pack. Lately artists like MUST DIE!, Excision, and HeRobust have been killing it in the Dubstep scene! We’ve been totally inspired by the edge that they’ve been giving to this tried and true genre. So we got our production team to whip up some of the filthiest presets we’ve ever heard and put them all together for an exciting new release. With Hurricane, you will be able to breathe new life into the Dubstep genre with the most inspiring arps, mean sequences, gross basses, and in-your-face leads that we’ve ever created. Hurricane is the appropriate name for this pack because a few of these sounds might just tear down the walls of your studio and leave you out in the cold…
