MASSiVE Dubstep Pack NMSV

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这些 NI Massive Dubstep Bass Presets 是 50 个从神话般的 Massive […]



这些 NI Massive Dubstep Bass Presets 是 50 个从神话般的 Massive 合成器的深处、黑暗的内部挤压出来的 Prime-cut Monster Patch。您将不得不工作数小时来复制这些原始声音,这些声音旨在向 Skrillex 致敬,Skrillex 是当今最繁忙和最具创新性的制作人之一。领先于游戏,创造您一生中尝试过的最好的 Dubstep 或 Drum & Bass。将这些音色加载到 Massive 后,您可以使用 Massive 独有的 8 个宏控制库进一步推动它们,让您能够创建令人讨厌、肮脏的贝司,准备好扫荡全球舞池。
These NI Massive Dubstep Bass Presets are 50 prime-cut monster patches squeezed from the deep, dark insides of the fabulous Massive synth. You would have to work for hours to duplicate these raw sounds that are designed as a tribute to Skrillex, one of the busiest and most innovative producers today. Get ahead of the game and create the best Dubstep or Drum & Bass you’ve ever attempted in your life. Once you load these patches into Massive, you can push them even further with Massive’s exclusive bank of 8 macro controls, giving you the power to create nasty, filthy basses ready to wipe up dance floors worldwide.
