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戴上你的黑色墨镜,系上那些高帮运动鞋,然后潜入你闪闪发光的红色跑车 – 是时候用 Neon Dre […]



戴上你的黑色墨镜,系上那些高帮运动鞋,然后潜入你闪闪发光的红色跑车 – 是时候用 Neon Dream – Massive Retro Presets 以最高速度将你的音乐带回未来!充满活力、复古的 80 年代角色从这 70 个贝司和合成器预设中包含的每一个纤维和频率中倾泻而出,伴随着 70 个带有键标记的 MIDI 循环和 30 个史诗鼓样本完成了这个免版税的 Synthwave 声音包。包含 Neo 80、Synthwave 和 Computer Funk 的强烈电蓝色眩光,包含的 NI Massive 补丁范围包括压制、海绵状低音、火花、融合 Synth Leads、温暖、不断发展的 Pads、沉思的和弦合成器、过度活跃的 Arps 和分裂的 SFX预设。微妙的电子管模拟驱动器、不断变化的合唱调制、摇摆不定的音高、滚动延迟线、厚实的共振低通滤波、一堆柔和失谐的振荡器等等——这些声音中的每一个都包含了一种强大的复古冲击力!
Slap on your jet-black shades, lace up those hi-top trainers and dive into your glittering red sports car – it’s time to hit top-speed and blast your music back to the future with Neon Dream – Massive Retro Presets! Vibrant, retro 80s character comes pouring out of every fibre and frequency contained within these 70 Bass & Synth Presets, with 70 accompanying, key-labelled MIDI Loops and 30 epic Drum Samples completing this royalty-free Synthwave sound pack. Glowing with the intense, electric-blue glare of Neo 80s, Synthwave and Computer Funk, the included NI Massive patches range from squelching, cavernous Basses, sparking, fusing Synth Leads, warm, evolving Pads, brooding Chord Synths, hyperactive Arps and splintering SFX Presets. Subtle tube-modelled drive, the constantly shifting modulation of chorus, wavering pitches, rolling delay lines, thick, resonant low pass filtering, stacks of softly detuned oscillators and more – each and every one of these sounds packs an all-mighty retro punch!
