OVO Emotional Sounds 1-2 For MASSiVE-DiSCOVER

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<b>OVO Emotional Sounds 1:</b>OVO Sound 的流行 […]



<b>OVO Emotional Sounds 1:</b>OVO Sound 的流行程度无需多说。这个标签对音乐产业产生了巨大的影响。许多艺术家和节拍制作人都在尝试制作那种阴暗、情绪化的声音。如果您想制作这些类型的情感节拍,我们开始吧…… OVO Emotional Sounds For Ni Massive 带有 38 个独特的 Massive 预设,灵感来自 OVO Sound(Drake、The Weekend、Boi-1da、Noah 40 Shebib)的艺术家和制作人。 <b>OVO Emotional Sounds 2:</b>第一个 OVO 包真的很成功,所以我们再来一次 OVO Emotional Sounds 2。更多预设,更多灵感,更多情感。 OVO Emotional Sounds 2 带有 58 种独特且标志性的 Massive 预设,专为未来 RnB、嘻哈、陷阱、EDM 等流派定制,灵感来自 OVO Sound(Drake、The Weekend、Boi-1da、Noah 40 Shebib)的艺术家和制作人。
OVO Emotional Sounds 1 : There is no need to explain how popular OVO Sound is. This Label made a huge impact on music industry. Many artists and beatmakers are trying to make that dark, emotional sound. If you want to make these type of emotional beats, here we go… OVO Emotional Sounds For Ni Massive comes with 38 unique Massive presets inspired by artists and producers from OVO Sound (Drake, The Weekend, Boi-1da, Noah 40 Shebib). OVO Emotional Sounds 2 : First OVO pack was really successful, so here we go again OVO Emotional Sounds 2. More presets, more inspiration, more emotions. OVO Emotional Sounds 2 comes with 58 unique and signature Massive presets custom made for genres like Future RnB, Hip-Hop, Trap, EDM inspired by artists and producers from OVO Sound (Drake, The Weekend, Boi-1da, Noah 40 Shebib).
