Premium OVO Collection For MASSiVE-DiSCOVER

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Premium OVO 系列包含 <b>100 个补丁</b>,灵感来自 <b& […]



Premium OVO 系列包含 <b>100 个补丁</b>,灵感来自 <b>PartyNextDoor</b>、<b>ILoveMakonnen</b>、<b>Drake</b>、<b>Mike Zombie</ b>、<b>罗伊·伍兹</b>等。此合集包含您开始制作严肃 <b>OVO 类型节拍</b>所需的一切 – <b>Cone shattering subs</b>、<b>ethereal</b> 和 <b>exotic pads</b> 、<b>弹拨合成器</b>、<b>美丽的铃铛</b>/<b>木槌</b>、<b>主唱</b>、<b>独特的音效</b > 等等。厌倦了被浮华的营销人员愚弄购买质量低劣的产品?这些补丁是真正的交易,真正可玩且注重细节。该套装包含从各种 Xenos Soundworks 产品中精心挑选和调整的选择,以及 27 个全新的补丁。动态和富有表现力的速度设置。用于增加表达和变化的智能宏控制分配。
The Premium OVO Collection contains 100 Patches inspired by PartyNextDoor, ILoveMakonnen, Drake, Mike Zombie, Roy Woods, and more. This collection includes everything you need to start making serious OVO type beatsCone shattering subs, ethereal and exotic pads, emotive plucked synths, beautiful bells/mallets, singing leads, unique sound FX and more. Tired of getting fooled by flashy marketers into buying products of subpar quality? These patches are the REAL DEAL, truly playable and with attention paid to detail. The set contains a mix of handpicked and tweaked selections from various Xenos Soundworks products, plus 27 brand new patches. Dynamic and expressive velocity settings. Intelligent Macro Control assignments for increased expression and variation.
