Rhythmic Textures MiDi MASSiVE

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新鲜和独家的手工制作补丁集合,用于最受欢迎的软合成器,直接来自我们最好的制作人和艺术家联系人的工作室。每个标题 […]



新鲜和独家的手工制作补丁集合,用于最受欢迎的软合成器,直接来自我们最好的制作人和艺术家联系人的工作室。每个标题都包含定制的补丁,还附带了来自包创建者的可编辑 MIDI 文件。 Massive 的 Rhythmic Textures 是一个调制的 Evolving Bass、Lead Synth、SFX 和 Pad 补丁的集合,适用于 Drum and Bass、Dubstep、House、Techno 和 Electro 的任何现代舞曲作品。在 Native Instruments Massive 中使用高级合成器调制来创建有节奏的乐句、即兴演奏和门控斩波,每个 Patch 包含的 MIDI 文件作为如何使用每种声音的示例。详细地说,制作人应该期望在这里找到大量的音色选择,这些音色旨在补充 Drum & Bass 和 Dubstep 制作,但当然也适用于其他风格。此包中包含的 70 个大型 Patch 包括 8 个低音预设、3 个和弦预设、3 个 FX 预设、9 个 Groove 预设、11 个主音预设、31 个 Poly Synth 预设、5 个 Riff 预设和 70 个 Midi 文件。
Fresh and exclusive collections of hand crafted patches for the most popular soft synths, direct from the studios of our best producers and artist contacts. Each title includes custom made patches and also comes with ready to edit midi files from the packs creators. Rhythmic Textures for Massive, is a collection of Modulated Evolving Bass, Lead Synth, SFX and Pad patches for any modern dance music productions from Drum and Bass, Dubstep, House, Techno and Electro. Using advanced synth modulation in Native Instruments Massive to create rhythmical phrases, riffs and gated chops, with included MIDI files for each patch as an example of how to use each sound. In detail producers should expect to find here a great selection of patches which are designed to complement Drum & Bass and Dubstep productions, but will of course work well for other styles also. The 70 Massive Patches included in this pack are comprised of 8 Bass Presets, 3 Chord Presets, 3 FX Presets, 9 Groove Presets, 11 Lead Presets, 31 Poly Synth Presets, 5 Riff Presets – and 70 Midi Files.

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