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准备好体验更高级别的 SFX 声音设计。你再也不会以同样的方式看待 NI Massive 预设了! SFX 系 […]



准备好体验更高级别的 SFX 声音设计。你再也不会以同样的方式看待 NI Massive 预设了! SFX 系列是对音效设计和交付演进的探索。音效卷。 1 将 50 个经过专业编程的 NI Massive 预设添加到您的声音库中,您将在未来几年内反复使用它们。每个补丁都经过精心编程,为您提供最大数量的选项,而不会增加可用性方面的复杂性。八个完全编程的宏控件为该系列中的每个预设提供了令人难以置信的灵活性和控制,就在您的指尖。立管,扫地,提升器,降档器,冲击等等。这组声音将在您加载的每个补丁中为您的音乐注入即时能量和令人印象深刻的声音设计。通常,FX 的设计目的是让自己脱颖而出并独立工作。但是 SFX 系列中的预设可以以许多创新的方式进行分层和组合,以创建无数独特的过渡和装饰效果。
Get ready to experience the next level of SFX sound design. You’ll never look at NI Massive presets the same way again! The SFX series is an exploration in the evolution of sound effect design and delivery. SFX Vol. 1 adds 50 professionally programmed NI Massive presets to your sonic arsenal that you will use again-and-again for years to come. Each patch has been masterfully programmed to provide you with the maximum number of options without adding complexity, in regards to usability. Eight fully-programmed macro controls give every preset in this collection an incredible amount of flexibility and control, right at your finger tips. Risers, sweeps, uplifters, down-shifters, impacts and a whole lot more. This set of sounds will inject instant energy and impressive sound design into your music with every patch you load. Usually FX are designed to stand out on their own and work on their own. But the presets found in the SFX series can be layered and combined in many innovative ways to create countless unique transition and embellishment effects.
