100 MIDI Basslines MiDi-DiSCOVER

2022-05-26 0 28,899

“<b>100 MIDI Basslines</b>”包含受当今顶级 <b>EDM</b> 艺术家启发的 <b>100 高能量 MIDI 循环</b>。如果您是当前 <b>Electro House</b>、<b>Trance</b> 或 <b>Big Room</b> 声音的粉丝,那么您会喜欢这些多功能循环。这是所有渐进式电子音乐制作人的必备工具。这个包总共包含 100 个 MIDI 循环,为您提供最大的灵活性。远离音频循环的限制,MIDI 允许您完全创造性地控制如何使用这些循环,您可以自由使用您选择的任何声音。只需加载您最喜欢的合成器即可。&nbsp;您还可以在音序器的钢琴卷帘编辑器中以您认为合适的任何方式重新排列音符,或者将速度更改为您选择的任何方式:为有抱负的制作人和专业人士提供惊人的灵活性
100 MIDI Basslines‘ features 100 High-Energy MIDI Loops inspired by today’s top EDM artists. If you’re a fan of the current Electro House, Trance or Big Room sounds then you will love these versatile loops. This is an essential tool for all producers of Progressive Electronic music. This pack contains 100 MIDI loops in total providing you with the ultimate in flexibility. Far from the constraints of audio loops, MIDI allows you complete creative control over how you use these loops, you’re free to use any sound you choose. Just load up your favourite synth.  You’re also free to re-arrange the notes in any way you see fit in your sequencer’s piano roll editor or change the tempo to any you choose too: amazing flexibility for the aspiring producer and pro alike
