U-NO-LX Origins 是 TAL 的 U-NO-LX 的 160 个补丁的集合。这套音响让我们回到了 80 年代的辉煌岁月。最适合复古风格/合成波类型的项目,但对电影下划线同样有用。 U-NO-LX Origins 专注于 70 年代末和 80 年代模拟风靡一时的声音。 U-NO-LX Origins 提供优美流畅的琶音、低沉而有力的低音和低音线、鼓舞人心的原始复古主音和键、宽模拟垫和音景。这些声音借鉴了各种有影响力的艺术家,如 Tangerine Dream、Vangelis、Harold Faltermeyer、Giorgio Moroder、Eurythmics、Duran Duran、Air 和著名作曲家,如 John Carpenter、ólafur Arnalds、Jon Hopkins 和 Nils Frahm。
U-NO-LX Origins is a collection of 160 patches for TAL’s U-NO-LX. This sound set is a throw back to the glorious days of the 80’s. Best suited for retro style/synth wave type of projects but equally useful for cinematic underscore. U-NO-LX Origins focuses on the sounds of the late 70’s and 80’s when analog was in full swing. U-NO-LX Origins delivers beautifully fluid arpeggios, low, powerful basses and bass lines, inspiring original retro leads and keys, wide analog pads and soundscapes. These sounds borrow from a variety of influential artists such as Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Harold Faltermeyer, Giorgio Moroder, Eurythmics, Duran Duran, Air and noted composers such as John Carpenter, ólafur Arnalds, Jon Hopkins, and Nils Frahm.