DeFinitive 90s RnB v1.02 WAV MPC

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90 年代 R&B 代表了在这个变革性的十年中,从流派音乐迅速崛起为主流文化和商业主导地位。永远与说唱 […]



90 年代 R&B 代表了在这个变革性的十年中,从流派音乐迅速崛起为主流文化和商业主导地位。永远与说唱/嘻哈的声音交织在一起,没有一种普遍的声音定义了这个时代,但更多的是强调不拘一格的风格融合。在很短的时间内,艺术和音乐技术发生了快速的平行发展,推动我们踏上了从黄金时代嘻哈到新杰克摇摆的有机尘土飞扬的旅程,再到像萨德这样的偶像破坏者,再加上肮脏南方的迅速崛起,翻新的 Neo Soul 风格,以及闪亮西装时代的到来,嘻哈大亨和超级巨星天后诞生的地方。当 R&B 与 Hip-Hop 一起继续发展时,这种扩展捕捉到了那个时刻。
90s R&B represents the rapid rise from genre music to mainstream cultural and commercial dominance over this transformative decade. Forever intertwined with the sounds of Rap/Hip-Hop, there isn’t one pervasive sound that defined the era, but more so an emphasis on eclectic style blending. A rapid parallel evolution in artistry and music technology ensued in a short period of time, propelling us on a journey from the organic dusty breaks of Golden Era Hip-Hop to New Jack Swing to iconoclasts like Sade coupled with the meteoric rise of the Dirty South, retrofitted Neo Soul stylings, and the arrival of the Shiny Suit Era, where Hip-Hop moguls and superstar divas were born. This expansion captures that moment in time as R&B continued its progression alongside Hip-Hop.
