这些是直接来自我们的经典混合曲、演示等的鼓!我们的软盘上的鼓可以满足您的编程需求!我们回到过去,从我们的旧 MPC 3000、S3000xl、Roland MV8000 和许多其他以前使用过的节拍器中获取声音。这些声音已使用我们的着色技术进行了更新,可以开始使用了!抓住前 3 卷并添加到收藏中!真正的宝石!
These are the drums straight from our classic medleys, demos, and more! Drums right off of our floppy disks for your programming needs! We reached way back and snagged sounds from our old MPC 3000, S3000xl, Roland MV8000, and many other prior used beat machines. These sounds have been updated with our coloring techniques and are ready to go! Grab the previous 3 volumes and add to the collection! True gems!