American Acoustic For SAMPLETANK

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控制有史以来最受欢迎的美国制造原声吉他之一的温暖、细节和细微差别。 American Acoustic 是最新 […]



控制有史以来最受欢迎的美国制造原声吉他之一的温暖、细节和细微差别。 American Acoustic 是最新的发烧级 SampleTank 乐器系列。我们从高处和低处搜索,找到了一款音质异常出色的复古 Martin? D28*,它带有著名的云杉面板和桃花心木琴颈。很难找到这种型号的声音不好的吉他,但我们想要我们能得到的最好的吉他。然后,我们在意大利摩德纳的 IK 工作室使用项目可用的最好的麦克风、前置放大器和转换器录制了吉他。我们尝试了许多老式和经典的麦克风和前置放大器,但最好的结果来自 Schoeps? CMC* 小振膜电容麦克风和 Prism? Orpheus* 前置放大器/接口的超干净现代配对。
Take control of the warmth, detail and nuance of one of the most popular American-made acoustic guitars of all time . American Acoustic is the latest audiophile-grade SampleTank instruments collection. We searched high and low to track down an exceptionally great sounding vintage Martin? D28* with its famous spruce top and mahogany neck. It’s hard to find a bad sounding guitar of this model, but we wanted the very best one we could get. We then recorded the guitar in our IK studios in Modena, Italy using the best microphones, preamps and converters available for the project. We tried many vintage and classic mics and preamps, but the best result came from a super-clean modern pairing of a Schoeps? CMC* small diaphragm condenser microphone and a Prism? Orpheus* preamp / interface.
