体验有史以来最具视觉和声音冲击力的钢琴之一的明亮而现代的声音 标志性的丹麦设计和有条不紊的德国结构为 Art Deco Piano 相结合,这是一个发烧级的 SampleTank 乐器集合,包括超过 1GB 的内容和 600 多个声音丰富的立体声样本。装饰艺术钢琴是对 1930 年代经典 Blüthner? PH 三角钢琴的忠实再现。这是有史以来最具声音和视觉冲击力的钢琴之一。其标志性的俯冲和曲线设计来自丹麦设计师 Poul Henningsen。它没有使用传统的木质箱体,由金属、皮革和其他材料制成,提供了明亮而现代的声音,我们使用一对匹配的 Neumann TLM-??170R 电容式麦克风连接到顶级录音室前置放大器。
Experience the bright and modern sound of one of the most visually and sonically striking pianos of all time Iconic Danish design and methodical German construction come together for Art Deco Piano, an audiophile-grade SampleTank instrument collection that includes over 1GB of content with more than 600 sonically rich stereo samples. Art Deco Piano is a faithful recreation of a classic 1930’s Blüthner? PH Grand Piano. This is one of the most sonically and visually striking pianos ever made. Its iconic swooping and curvy design comes courtesy of Danish designer Poul Henningsen. Made without a traditional wood cabinet, its build of metal, leather and other materials offers a bright and modern sound that we captured with a matched pair of Neumann TLM-170R condenser microphones running into top-quality studio preamps.