Cinematic Percussion For SAMPLETANK

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SampleTank 现在可以使用好莱坞大片的史诗般、真实的声音。 Cinematic Percussion […]



SampleTank 现在可以使用好莱坞大片的史诗般、真实的声音。 Cinematic Percussion 是制作人梦寐以求的工具箱,其中包含以 10 种不同源速度录制的灵活音频循环集合、由 Greg 和 IK 声音设计团队执行的单独 MIDI 模式集合,当然还有一个可播放的单次打击的深藏宝库使用多种速度和循环技术以 SampleTank 风格录制的乐器。埃利斯周游世界,与不同文化的工匠会面,寻找最特别的乐器。 “这些不是你在旅游商店里找到的乐器!”埃利斯很快就注意到了。他的 38 英寸爪哇锣的深刻共鸣让人想起了无价的音乐会三角钢琴上最低的“A”音符之一。他的调音坦克系列以及他的手指钹、chan chans、gankoguis 和 kharkharbas 的清晰和复杂的谐波代表了几十年来由一位真正的金耳朵打击乐大师精心挑选和挑选的乐器。
The epic, authentic sounds of blockbuster Hollywood movies is now available for SampleTank. Cinematic Percussion is really a producer’s dream toolbox loaded with a flexible collection of audio loops recorded at 10 different source tempos, a separate collection of MIDI patterns performed by both Greg and the IK sound design team and course a deep treasure chest of playable single-hit instruments recorded in the SampleTank style using multiple velocities and round robin techniques. Ellis has traveled the world and met with artisans of many cultures to find the most special instruments. “These are NOT the instruments you find in a tourist shop!” Ellis is quick to note. The deep resonance his 38” Javanese Gong reminds one of the lowest “A” note on a priceless concert grand piano. The clarity and complex harmonics of his tuned tank collection along with his finger cymbals, chan chans, gankoguis and kharkharbas is representative of instruments carefully sought out and chosen over decades by a true percussion master with golden ears.
