Orchestral Percussion For SAMPLETANK 3-4

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现代交响作曲家的古典打击乐梦想合集。主打击乐器附加乐器合集 Orchestral Percussion 将传统 […]



现代交响作曲家的古典打击乐梦想合集。主打击乐器附加乐器合集 Orchestral Percussion 将传统打击乐器提升到一个全新的真实感、可玩性和音频质量水平。 SampleTank 的用户将获得威严的全频、动态定音鼓、巨大的 36 英寸大卡萨管弦乐低音鼓的震撼力、交响曲锣和 piatti 钹的明确标点。还包括三种不同古典军鼓的超风格化发音,以及灵活变化的雪橇铃、手鼓、三角形、响板、棘轮、铃树和许多其他乐器,使用多个循环演奏并以原始音频保真度录制。
Dream collection of classical percussion for the modern symphonic composer. The master percussion add-on instrument collection Orchestral Percussion takes traditional percussion instruments to a whole new level of realism, playability and audio quality. Users of SampleTank will get the majesty of full-range, dynamic timpani, the stirring power of a massive 36” gran cassa orchestral bass drum, the unmistakable punctuation of symphonic chau gongs and piatti cymbals. Also included are the ultra-stylized articulations of three different classical snare drums along with flexible variations of sleighbells, tambourines, triangles, castanets, ratchet, bell tree and many other instruments performed with multiple round robins and recorded with pristine audio fidelity.
