Dirty Chicken SYLENTH1-DECiBEL

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这个 Sylenth1 soundbank 在这里为您提供创建下一个脏房子所需的所有预设。灵感来自标签 Dir […]



这个 Sylenth1 soundbank 在这里为您提供创建下一个脏房子所需的所有预设。灵感来自标签 Dirtybird。我们的目标是创建一组声音,您可以使用这些声音来获得灵感、学习合成并为您的曲目添加最后的润色。通过潜入 140 个预设并找到您最喜欢的 Dirtybird 艺术家正在使用的声音来获得灵感。对这些预设进行反向工程并研究它们,以便您还可以制作 Dirtybird 风格的 Basslines、FX 和 Leads。最后,使用这些预设通过添加最后的最后润色来帮助完成您的曲目。
This Sylenth1 soundbank is here to provide you with all the presets necessary for you to create your next dirty house banger. Inspired by the label Dirtybird. Our goal was to create a set of sounds that you can use to get inspired, learn synthesis from, and use to add the final touch to your tracks. Get inspired by diving into the 140 presets and finding sounds that your favorite Dirtybird artist are utilizing. Reverse engineer these presets and study them so you can also make Dirtybird styled Basslines, FX, and Leads. Finally, use these presets to help finish your track by adding the last final touch.
