Sylenth Leads Vol.3 for Sylenth1-P2P

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旨在成为英国排行榜最新声音的代名词的声音!这个高度调谐的 Sylenth1 库为您带来了您在最好的制作人的所有 […]



旨在成为英国排行榜最新声音的代名词的声音!这个高度调谐的 Sylenth1 库为您带来了您在最好的制作人的所有最大音轨中听到的特别的东西。用这个令人敬畏的排行榜顶级声音集合重新填充您的 Sylenth VST,并将您的作品提升到一个新的水平!作为一个特别的奖励,包括一段视频,详细说明了在演示曲目中使用了来自银行的哪些补丁,以及从它们进行逆向工程的排行榜榜首曲目!
Sounds designed to be synonymous to the latest sounds from the UK charts! This Highly tuned bank for Sylenth1 bring you that special something you hear in all the biggest tracks by the best producers. Refill your Sylenth VST with this awesome collection of chart topping sounds and take your productions to the next level! As a special bonus have included a video detailing which patches from the bank were used in the demo track and the chart-topping tracks which they were reverse engineered from!
