Trap Chiefs 3 For SYLENTH1-DiSCOVER

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您的 Sylenth 总是没有足够的声音!我们很清楚这一点!每次我们从声音设计师那里得到新的声音时,我们都很高 […]



您的 Sylenth 总是没有足够的声音!我们很清楚这一点!每次我们从声音设计师那里得到新的声音时,我们都很高兴,因为它会给我们带来大量的灵感!多亏了这些新的、新鲜的和伟大的声音合成器,许多新的想法、旋律和一切。在 Trap 类型中很难找到适合 Sylenth 的好声音。这就是为什么我们为您打造这款产品的原因,几乎所有随包附带的声音都可以用作主乐器/挂钩乐器。这个包里没有弱元素!灵感来源:Lil Pump、Future、Lil Wayne、XXXTentacion、2Chainz、Migos 等。我们相信你会喜欢它!
There are always not enough sounds for your Sylenth! We know this well! Every time we are getting new sounds from our sound designer, we are happy cause it’s tons of inspiration coming to us! A lot of new ideas, melodies and everything thanks to those new, fresh and great sounding synthesizers. It is hard to find nice sounds for Sylenth in the Trap genre. That is why we created this product for you were almost every sound that came with the pack can be used as a main/hook instrument. There are no weak elements in this pack! Inspired by: Lil Pump, Future, Lil Wayne, XXXTentacion, 2Chainz, Migos and others. We are sure that you will love it!
