212 DV77 (IR Library) 【WAV Kemper】

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212 DV77 Cab Pack 基于装有 Eminence DV-77 扬声器的定制 2×12 箱体。音调 […]



212 DV77 Cab Pack 基于装有 Eminence DV-77 扬声器的定制 2×12 箱体。音调简单粗犷,平衡与伟大的性格,介于新事物和熟悉事物之间。低端很大,踢起来像 4×12,但焦点是 2×12。中频是向前和平衡的。高音具有出色的起音和音符清晰度,没有我们在许多现代扬声器中听到的临场峰值。虽然 DV-77 主要被认为是一款降调金属扬声器,但它在英式中增益音调方面的表现也出奇地好,并且配备了双线圈 7 弦和单线圈 6 弦。这个包具有 129 个单麦克风捕获以及 16 个多麦克风混音,总共 145 个 IR。
212 DV77 Cab Pack is based on a custom 2×12 cabinet loaded with Eminence DV-77 speakers. The tone is simply massive and balanced with great character that rides the line between something new and something familiar. The low end is BIG and kicks like a 4×12, but with the focus of a 2×12. The midrange is forward and balanced. And the top end has great pick attack and note clarity without the presence peak we hear in many modern speakers. Although the DV-77 is mainly thought of as a drop-tuned metal speaker, it also plays surprisingly well with British mid-gain tones and is at home with a humbucker loaded 7-string as well as a single coil 6-string. This pack features 129 Single Mic captures along with 16 multi-mic Mixes for a total of 145 IRs.
