Celestion Impulse Responses – Vintage 30 – 2×12 (open back)

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三十多年来,Celestion Vintage 30 一直是寻求广泛摇滚和金属音色的演奏者的首选扬声器。现在, […]



三十多年来,Celestion Vintage 30 一直是寻求广泛摇滚和金属音色的演奏者的首选扬声器。现在,您可以通过 Celestion 的官方数字下载获得其紧凑的低音、丰富的中音和细腻的高音的复杂组合。无论是在家、在路上还是在工作室,都可以通过这些脉冲响应获得 Celestion Vintage 30 的冲击力、音色和态度。每个箱体都使用三个不同的专业品质麦克风进行录制,每个麦克风放置在六个不同的位置 – 每个箱体有 18 个录音。通过将不同的麦克风录音组合在一起,为每个机柜生成了八个额外的音调选项。
For over three decades, the Celestion Vintage 30 has been the go-to speaker for players looking for a broad range of rock and metal tones. Now you can have its complex combination of tight bass tones, meaty mids and detailed highs as an official Celestion digital download. Whether at home, on the road or in a studio, get the impact, tone and attitude of the Celestion Vintage 30 with these impulse responses. Each cabinet has been recorded using three different pro quality microphones, each placed in six different placements – resulting in 18 recordings per cabinet. Eight additional tonal options were generated for each cabinet by combining different mic recordings together.
